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S18 On Mindfulness: Bennie Hope and Drumming as a Mindful Practice

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In this episode we speak with Bennie Hope about drumming as a Mindfulness Practice.  Bennie will be leading a session on drumming at the fall Shasta Resilience Project Retreat (details below).

Bennie is a seasoned expert in Positive Youth Development with over 30 years of experience in education. As the CEO of California Youth Partnership (CYP), she leads a committed team of educators dedicated to empowering youth to make optimal health choices, navigate today’s complex and socially pressured environment, and make informed decisions.

All are welcomed to participate in the Shasta Resilience Project RetreatSaturday, March 22nd 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the SCOE Professional Development Building located at 2985 Innsbruck Dr, Redding, CA 96003. [Flyer attached.]  The cost is $20 and scholarships are available.  Register here


To learn more about the Shasta Resilience Project, check out our website, shastaselfcare.org. You'll find videos, descriptions of offerings, and a calendar or upcoming of upcoming groups.  

You can also sign up to be notified of upcoming offerings and follow the Shasta Resilience Project on Instagram @norcalmindbody to be connected to other resources.

If you are interested in learning more about connections between creative expression and mindfulness, end an email to Sharon Brisolara at sharon@shastaartscouncil.org to learn about upcoming events.

Our theme music is provided by Omnifient, Racheal Beck. You can find her work on many platforms including Spotify.  In this episode, we play Oh Life and Listening to My Heart.

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