In 2021, Redding Police Department established its first Crisis Intervention Response Team (CIRT). The model, which was formed by the San Antonio Police Department's CIT (Crisis Intervention Team), consists of team of two plain-clothes officers and a mental health clinician. In this episode, we interview RPD officers Devin Ketel and Joanna Bland and HHSA clinician Nikki Brandon who are current members of CIRT.
In this conversation, Devin, Joanna, and Nikki share their observations about the model, their reasons for wanting to serve in this manner, what they have learned as the result of their experience and extensive training, and the benefits of the approach for the people served, the community, and the RPD. You can watch a video about the CIRT and see them in action in this YouTube video.
RPD's Policy 409 on Crisis Intervention also describes the CIRT. That policy can be found here.
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