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On Mindfulness E8:Tai Chi Instructor Michel Czehatowski

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In this episode of Bending the Arc, we speak with a local instructor with Redding Tai Chi to learn more about the practice of Tai Chi, local classes and resources, and his involvement in establishing the Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden

Michel Czehatowski has a long-time interest in meditation and Oriental Philosophy, dedicating over 40 years to the practice of Tai Chi. He serves as the instructor for Redding Tai Chi. Michel also acts as the Executive Director of the Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden, a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing a public Tai Chi practice area in the McConnell Arboretum and Gardens. Further information about the project and donation details can be found at www.reddingtaichimg.org.
For additional details about Michel and his classes, visit www.reddingtaichi.com. Free information and videos are available under the "Tai Chi Learning Resources" link on the same page.

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  • On_Mindfulness_Tai_Chi_2_20_24.mp3
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