KKRN FM, is a volunteer-based, listener-supported radio station fostering positive social change and healthy communities by entertaining, informing and educating through diverse music, culture, news, and public affairs programming.

Piping Hour 04.22.2020

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  1. John Bottomley -  Little Prince, You are my choice 
  2. Bonnie Rideout - Strathspeys 
  3. Hugh McCallum - 6/8 Marches 
  4. Lorne MacDougall - Learning to Fly 
  5. Alan Bain - Lament for Patrick Og MacCrimmon 
  6. William Morrison - Strathspeys & Reels 
  7. Sineag MacIntyre - Laoidh statue Ruaidheabhal 
  8. Edinburgh City Police PB - MSR 
  9. Griogair Labhruidh - Lament for William Lawrie of Ballachulish 
  10. Dr Angus MacDonald - Strathspeys and Reels 
  11. 7th HLI PB w/PM Robert Reid - MSR 1939 
  12. Patrick Molard - Lament for Ronald MacDonald of Morar
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