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On Mindfulness, E6 Maggie Zlotowski

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Maggie Zlotowski is a longtime resident of Shasta County who has rehomed in Chico, CA after the Carr fire.  She works for the Shasta County Office of Education (SCOE) as a Credentialed School Nurse and became involved in the Center for Mind Body Medicine work as a means to address the mental health challenges and stresses that so many children and their families are facing.  

SCOE hosts host a Mind Body Skills Happy Hour one Monday a month for those involved with this work.  To learn more about future Happy Hours, connect Maggie at bzlotowski@shastacoe.org.

To learn more about Mind Body Medicine or the Shasta Resilience Project, check out our website, shastaselfcare.org. You'll find videos, descriptions of offerings, and a calendar or upcoming of upcoming groups.  

You can aso sign up to be notified of upcoming offerings and follow the Shasta Resilience Project on Instagram @norcalmindbody to be connected to other resources.

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